


It’s free and takes only a minute or two. Joining CASAA will add you to our membership database, enabling us to provide you with important information, such as the CASAA newsletter, Calls to Action, and opportunities for engagement in your area.

It’s fast and easy . . . and free.



Membership is free, and we never share our email list. We send only targeted emails so you only receive Calls to Action and other information that is useful to you.

Be sure to join our social networking so that you can stay up to date on all the latest information and news.

Please remember that it is extremely important that we have your current and accurate contact information in the event that important legislation or news occurs in your area. CASAA is a genuine grass-roots organization that relies on member involvement, so it is vital that we be able to contact our members. If you want to update your information, you can do so easily by updating your information using the membership link.

And don’t forget to tell your friends and family who use (or love someone who uses) smoke-free alternatives to join, too. Our strength is in our numbers.